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- إنشاء بيئة تربوية تعليمية متطورة تلبي تطلعات أولياء الأمور لتأمين تعليم مثالي لأطفالهم. - نسعى لإنشاء جيل مثقف متطور قابل للتعلم باستمرار من الأطفال الواعدين الملهمين للأجيال القادمة. - نواكب التطور العلمي في العالم و الذي يسمو بأهدافه التربوية لنصنع أجيالاً متميزة بالعلم والمعرفة.

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Kayan Sections

We strive to develop the skills of this generation by providing a variety of activities that help strengthen their skills.

ركن المسرح

ركن المسرح

The theater corner is one of the recreational corners in our center that provides our children with an enjoyable time by introducing them to new stories in an engaging way that instills good values and morals in them.

ركن تعلم اللغات

ركن تعلم اللغات

We give great importance to the language learning corner in terms of selecting curricula and teaching methods so that our children can learn foreign languages in a more accessible and straightforward way.

ركن القراءة والرسم

ركن القراءة والرسم

The goal of the reading and drawing corner is to stimulate the child and increase their passion for reading and expressing their personality through their favorite drawings.

ركن المهارات الفكرية

ركن المهارات الفكرية

The intellectual skills corner is one of the most critical corners in our center, as it ensures the intellectual development of children, helps them build logical thinking, and increases their linguistic and social skills.

النادي الرياضي

النادي الرياضي

We have a specialized academic team that supervises children in this fun recreational hall, equipped with the latest games that provide them with a healthy body and upbringing.

We welcome your child

From one month to five years old

Latest Blog Posts

Learn how to develop a child's intellectual skills

Learn how to develop a child's intellectual skills

The child's intellectual skills are considered one of the most important skills that must be worked on to make the child acquire, by applying some methods inside the home and dealing with him in certain ways

Learn about the most important benefits of theater for children

Learn about the most important benefits of theater for children

The benefits of theater for children are very many and develop their skills greatly in many fields. Through theater, the child acquires the skills of communicating and interacting with others and completely gets rid of any social phobia, in addition to gaining great self-confidence, in addition to the other benefits...

The most important ways to develop thinking skills in children

The most important ways to develop thinking skills in children

Developing children's thinking skills is the cornerstone on which their later lives are built. If a child is accustomed to thinking from a young age, he will grow up on this, and this will affect all other skills. A child who grew up on research, thinking, and constant questions will...

The importance of drawing in developing children's skills

The importance of drawing in developing children's skills

Teaching drawing to children is one of the hobbies that it is recommended that parents strive to provide for their children, as drawing encourages the child to increase attention and stimulate skills and creative ability within him.

Parents: How to help your children learn new languages

Parents: How to help your children learn new languages

Learning languages ​​for children helps them develop the mind and increase knowledge, as languages ​​help them learn about the customs and civilizations of other countries..

7 benefits of sports for children are endless. Learn about them now

7 benefits of sports for children are endless. Learn about them now

Parents must know the importance of sports for children, and be careful to make the child do it during childhood, in order to obtain its benefits, as it helps stimulate physical and psychological health, and it also makes the child excel in his academic life and enhances his level of...

Developing children’s skills: How to improve their abilities and participation in learning activities

Developing children’s skills: How to improve their abilities and participation in learning activities

Building a better future: How the Children's Hospitality Center impacts children's lives

Building a better future: How the Children's Hospitality Center impacts children's lives

Here are the best technologies used in Riyadh hosting centers

Here are the best technologies used in Riyadh hosting centers

تطبيق كيان المستقبل

تطبيق إلكتروني يساعد أولياء الأمور في:

  • دخول طفلهم واستلامه بأمان من المركز. (عبر الباركود الذي يوفره التطبيق لكل طفل)
  • متابعة تقارير طفلهم اليومية والشهرية بسهولة.
  • التواصل المباشر مع مقدمة الرعاية .
  • دعوة للفعاليات الأسبوعية بجانب المعسكرات الصيفية و الشتوية.
  • وصول إشعارات لهم بكل ما هو جديد في المركز.

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