The most important ways to develop thinking skills in children

The most important ways to develop thinking skills in children

Developing children's thinking skills is the cornerstone on which their later lives are built. If a child is accustomed to thinking from a young age, he will grow up on this, and this will affect all other skills. A child who grew up on research, thinking, and constant questions will excel academically in the future and be able to solve his problems on his own. He becomes psychologically independent without the need for support from others, and this is what the Future Kayan Center, which develops your child’s thinking skills, will help you reach.

How does the mother develop the child's thinking skills?

 A child is born with a natural curiosity, and you notice this when you buy him the best toys that look very attractive, but he leaves them because he wants to look for kitchen utensils or what is in the closet, for example. Their nature is curiosity and exploration, but the role of the mother is the main factor here. She either encourages him to develop these skills, especially the child’s thinking skills, or leaves him to screens that teach him silence and weaken the development of his mental skills.

In order to encourage your child to develop thinking skills, here are some ideas that you can implement:

Sharing the child with you in any work you do. I know that this is exhausting and wastes a lot of time for you, but it is very effective in developing the child’s thinking skills. When you assign tasks to him and make him responsible for completing a specific work, this makes the child start thinking: What should I do? Should I start doing it? This or that! Will this work or not! And so every time until he gets used to thinking and arranging the steps before doing anything.

Arousing curiosity in the child. I know that he naturally loves exploration and investigation, but you strengthen this skill. For example, do you know what is in this sky? Come let's get to know the stars and their shapes closely and find out what else is there with them.

Focus on the type of toys you give your child. Do not always buy him toys that make him just watch and not participate or do any activity. Rather, focus on construction and solution games that contain a problem that requires a solution.

Get your child used to listening to stories from you, and then ask him part by part. Do not ask him about it as a whole. He will not be able to answer, but just ask him. Well, what did the prince do with the people after that? Was this true? Thus, this motivates your child to pay attention to you and strengthens his memory as well as his fluency in speech and narration.

 Develop your child's critical thinking skill by always asking him: Is this behavior correct? Should we have done this in that situation or was there something better to do? This will always motivate your child to review his actions and think about the consequences of things before proceeding to do them.

Talk to the child a lot and be patient with him if he is slow in collecting his thoughts and expressing them. Put forward an idea about a specific topic and wait until he thinks about it and collects his ideas in his mind and then begins to express those children with you.

Have your child integrate with peers of the same age to stimulate social interaction and exposure to different situations that develop his ability to think socially.


Ways to develop thinking skills in children

We talked about the most important behaviors that a mother should have in her daily dealings with the child, and now there are more specific ways to develop thinking skills in children:

The motivation behind performing a certain behavior

Always make your child think about why he did this behavior and what the motivation behind it is. This is where self-reflection occurs and the child can understand himself and realize what he wants to do and what he does not want.

The ability to link cause and effect

While doing anything, make him link cause and effect. If you go to bed early, you will be attentive at school and active throughout your school day. You were hindered while walking because you ran quickly with your shoelaces untied. Make him apply this way of thinking in all the situations of his life until he understands that everything Cause and nothing happens out of nowhere.

Love of reading

Instill in your child from a young age a love of reading and knowledge and give him gifts as a form of motivation when he finishes reading part of a book or story.

Paying attention to the questions the child asks

There is no stupid question. True stupidity is when you remain ignorant of something and are embarrassed to ask about it. In this way, encourage your child to always ask questions. This is a sign of the child’s intelligence and the continued growth of his mental abilities.

The drawing

The skill of drawing develops the thinking skill of children, as well as several other skills, so the child focuses on the same thing for a long time, and this is what develops the child’s concentration skill. When he is interested in coordinating colors, this indicates the artistic sense of the child and is reflected in the rest of the behaviors in his daily life, such as coordinating his clothes well, and the ability to Adding details and transforming the image in his imagination into reality indicates the accuracy of his observation.

How do I make my child interact with others?

A child’s interaction with others is reflected in the development of his mental and cognitive skills. When he is exposed to many good and harsh situations, this thinking will be triggered in him. You should know the most important ways that help your child acquire these social skills and make him interact with others:

Preparing the child before engaging in any social interaction, such as telling him that you must start with peace, be kind to them, and deal with all children in a friendly manner, and if one of them annoys you, tell him how he should behave. This behavior makes him mentally prepared for what he is about to do and has a background on what he should do.

Participate the child in group games such as football or other games that rely mainly on cooperation between team members to achieve the goal.

Constantly ask your child about his friends and if anyone is annoying him so that you address this from the beginning. Perhaps this is the reason why he is reluctant to integrate with the rest of his classmates.

Do not force your child to do work or play with people who are unacceptable to him, as this will make the matter worse.

Always make sure to encourage your child to form relationships with others and explain to him the advantages of having people love you and having friends everywhere.

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