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The importance of playing for children

The importance of playing for children

Playing for children:

The games that children play in their daily lives are not just passing activities, dear reader, but are portals that make up a large part of this child's personality and entity, and we will separate that by demonstrating the importance of playing for children.

The importance of play in children ' s lives:

The usefulness of play can be illustrated by knowing its impact on every aspect of a child ' s life, such as:
Physical aspects: Playing helps to strengthen children ' s muscles, improve their motor skills, and coordinate eye movement with the speed of hand response.
Mental aspects: Play stimulates creative thinking, problem solving, decision-making, and helps to develop memory, focus and attention skills.
Social aspects: Playing the child teaches how to interact, deal with others, and build relationships.
Emotional aspects: Playing helps children understand their feelings and try to express them.
Life aspects: Playing children for life by simulating realistic attitudes and developing hypotheses to deal with them in their minds.

Social play for children:

By playing with other children, children learn social skills, such as introducing themselves, building friendships, developing communication skills and working together with others.

Impact of technology on play for children:

The fact that a child is involved in technological games at an early age makes it difficult to focus and greatly reduces his or her mental development. From these children, he or she cannot learn the simplest skills that children of his or her age have learned in previous generations, without exposing them to content and harmful advertising and to his or her young age. It also causes a lack of social, creative and motor development.

Playing for children promotes creativity and imagination:

When a child plays not only what he sees and hears, but he creates for himself a vast world that cannot be confined to the small room in which he plays, and you find him at the top of the focus, giving names to things, and even knowing his imaginary friend who invented him, all of which is part of his development and natural development, and in this case he is like a writer who builds his world with love and creativity.

Providing a safe and child-friendly environment:

A safe environment is the key to enabling your child to explore and paint a picture of the world without being harmed, so that you can also work without worrying about what might happen to your child while playing. It is also a good alternative, rather than preventing your child from playing and creatively playing. It can be an ad hoc playroom or nursery under the supervision of teachers or a safe garden. All that matters is to ensure that the child develops without being harmed.

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