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Parents: How to help your children learn new languages

Parents: How to help your children learn new languages

Learning languages ​​for children helps them develop the mind and increase knowledge, as languages ​​help them learn about the customs and civilizations of other countries. It has also become easier for children to study languages ​​and master them, as this helps them to have a better future. Therefore, many parents are interested in learning how to teach their children. New languages ​​in an easy way, and Kayan Future Center will explain the best strategies that can be followed with children until they master languages.


How do I develop my child's language?

Parents have a role in learning languages ​​for children, in addition to relying on the Language Development Center for Young People, as there are many strategies that can be followed with the child at home, including, for example:


Role-playing game

It is one of the fun ways to teach a child, as one of the parents can assume the role of the teacher, and then say school-specific words such as book, pen, chair, etc.


Word series

Words are very important for a child to learn any language, so words and their adjectives can be written on cardboard, and then the child is helped to compose a short sentence such as Beautiful School.



It is possible to ask the child simple questions that make him form short sentences.


Choose the appropriate word


You can make colored paper and write some words on it that relate to, for example, home, school, and street. Then you say the word and the child chooses it.


Telling stories

It is recommended to tell stories to the child in the language he is learning so that he can understand the story and recognize new words.


How do I make my child speak English?

When learning languages ​​for children, a parent must follow the child and make him speak more in English. The Future Kayan Center explains the best methods suitable for children as follows:



You must speak to the child in the language he is learning so that he can master it and develop it every day.



Buy the child books and stories that contain drawings and simple words.


Learning Center

It is recommended to enroll the child in an accredited educational center, such as the Future Kayan Center, in order for the child to learn the language correctly.



It is necessary to praise the child in order to motivate him to learn the language better.


Correct mistakes

The child's error must be corrected in order for him to learn the language correctly.



Rewards and prizes should be provided to the child during the language learning stage in order to motivate him to learn better.


body language

It is recommended to use body language to communicate with the child because this enhances his language.



It is preferable to play foreign songs to children so that they can enjoy them.


What are the basics of teaching English to children?

Care must be taken to establish the basics of teaching the child the correct way to pronounce and learn words for children, as it is considered an important step in teaching the child the English language. Among the most prominent basics of learning languages ​​for children, for example:


Learn new words

After learning the letters, you begin the step of learning new words, where the child must learn all the words related to the lifestyle around him. It is possible to use pictures and videos in order to teach him new vocabulary and the correct way of pronunciation.


Formulating sentences

After that, the child is trained to formulate simple sentences by watching videos and listening to simple songs, in addition to encouraging the child to formulate small sentences.



Small books can be presented to the child in order to start simple reading in order to help him recognize words and compose correct sentences.


Learn grammar within context

Grammar is learned through stories that help him discover grammar, as the child practices forming the correct sentence.


How many languages ​​can a child learn?

Speaking of learning languages ​​for children, a child can learn two or three languages ​​at the same time, and the best way to learn lies under the supervision of the Future Kayan Center, where the center can provide the best methods to the child that help him learn the language that his parents want to learn.


As for the maximum limit, it is worth noting that child psychologist Dr. Susie Stiles explains that if the number of languages ​​a child learns increases, the period for each language decreases, as teaching the language in a year will not enable the child to pass the day without studying the language.


It is worth noting that children at this stage have a more receptive mind to information and education, as they must rely on the linguistic structure and the environment in which it remains. Also, the best age for education begins at the age of 4 years, when the child has the best ability to learn.


Future Kayan Center in Riyadh helps your child learn languages

The Future Kayan Center in Riyadh is considered one of the best centers that help children learn languages, as it offers many methods that help children learn the language, including, for example:


Educational songs

The center provides children with songs that encourage them to enjoy the language they are learning.



The center allocates time for the child to watch cartoon films in the foreign language.


Use of pictures

The center seeks to use cartoon images during language learning for children.



The center helps the child learn languages ​​through the feature of repeating and memorizing speech.



The center provides children with a strategy for reading exciting stories in order to think about the language and enjoy it.


The center also seeks to teach children in a distinctive way so that the child enjoys learning, in addition to offering the best prices to students in order to learn languages ​​in the best ways and prices.

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